
Situated on the banks of Lake Al-Saad, the New Abha Resort and Abha Palace Hotel are a definite must-visit when in Abha. The resort is said to be located in the most beautiful part of the city and offers some of the most breathtaking views of the surrounding...more

Abha, Saudi Arabia



Situated on the banks of Lake Al-Saad, the New Abha Resort and Abha Palace Hotel are a definite must-visit when in Abha. The resort is said to be located in the most beautiful part of the city and offers some of the most breathtaking views of the surrounding area. It is home to sites and attractions that will keep adults and kids occupied for hours. While here, tourists must make it a point to take a ride on the impressive cable car service which connects the New Abha Resort with another popular attraction in Abha; the Green Mountain. The scenic cable car ride takes visitors above Abha City and Tahama and offers visitors stunning views of both as well as the surroundings. Visitors must also visit the beautiful 300,000 square meter garden which is located next to the lake. For tourists looking for a luxurious dining experience, having a meal at the Abha Palace Hotel is a must. The New Abha Resort also has games for children, an indoor pool, a bowling alley, an arcade, coffee shops and more.   

Ticket Price


Opening Hour

The resort is always open, but opening times of the entertainment facilities, cable cars, etc vary.

Recommended Visit Duration

A few hours or tourists can stay here to enjoy the resort to its maximum

Suitable For

Adults, senior citizens, young adults, families, children

Must See

The lake, the park, cable cars and other entertainment areas

Prayer Facilities

Like most attractions in Abha, as well as Saudi Arabia the New Abha Resort is sure to have prayer facilities for visitors as well as staff. If unable to locate a mosque or prayer room while here, tourists are instructed to locate a help desk for more information.

Halal Food

Muslim visitors looking for Halal food at the New Abha Resort will not have a problem in doing so, as the Abha Palace Hotel offers a fantastic selection of delicious Halal dishes. In addition to that, the resort is also home to a few coffee shops which are all Halal. Tourists will also be able to find Halal food while visiting the Green Mountain.

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