Opening Hours
Monday - Sunday: 11:30 AM - 8:30 PM
Average Price for a Meal
Payment Method
Cash, Scan and Pay options (All) & Credit Card options (Golden Mile & Alexandra Only)
+65 9270 4670
Ashes Burnnit - Golden Mile
Golden Mile Food Centre, 505 Beach Road, #B1-24, Singapore 199583
Muslim owned restaurant
CrescentRating: Not CrescentRated
Halal certified
Ashes Burnnit gives you gourmet burgers right round the corner.
Aiming to sell gourmet burgers at affordable prices for the masses. We are generally located in a hawker stall or coffee shop setting to give you a feel of what dining in Singapore streets feels like.
From the Signature Cheese Burgers to the thick cut fries and best selling Truffle Mushroom Burger, you got to try it to know it! Visit us now at 3 of the outlets located around our sunny island of Singapore.
#Ashessg #Ashessgburnnit
Opening Hours
Monday - Sunday: 11:30 AM - 8:30 PM
Average Price for a Meal
Payment Method
Cash, Scan and Pay options (All) & Credit Card options (Golden Mile & Alexandra Only)
+65 9270 4670
Local Prayer Times

Super filling burger sets! Comes with fries but not drinks, I got the Fried Chicken Burger SO GOOD!! Price was not that bad too. Expect a long queue