Raise your Mugs and Celebrate International Coffee Day 2022!

By Muhammad Jodi Pratama | 30, Sep, 2022
Raise your Mugs and Celebrate International Coffee Day 2022!

Whether it's a cup of coffee, a shot of espresso, or a fancy iced macchiato, if coffee is the only way to start your day, then celebrating the day with millions of other coffee drinkers is the way to go! 

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History and origins of International Coffee Day

barista creating a cup of latte

Image Credit: Fahmi Fakhrudin on Unsplash

International Coffee Day is back! It has been celebrated every October 1 as an international event and was launched in 2015 in Milan. The idea was first conceived in Japan when "The All Japan Coffee Association" promoted a similar kind of event. The idea of celebrating coffee would then be promoted by the International Coffee Organization in China in 1997 (as an annual celebration in 2001). The USA, Nepal, and Indonesia would follow soon by introducing their respective National Coffee Day. Taiwan and New Orleans (in New Orleans Coffee Festival) would also follow by announcing their versions of International Coffee Day in 2009.

Due to the high popularity of coffee which was combined with the changing lifestyle, more and more “coffee days” would then be celebrated by the people and nations around the world. Although the exact origin and reason of the celebration itself remain unknown, it could be speculated that due to its popularity it would then result in the now well-known celebration.

Fun fact: Although International Coffee Day is celebrated on the 1st of October, a bunch of countries would still celebrate their own National Coffee Day during different times of the year! One of the most common dates would be on the 29th of September.


The spirit of the celebration

roasted coffee beans

Image Credit: Mike Kenneally on Unsplash

Have you ever stared at your cup and wondered, where do you come from? That’s what the spirit of International Coffee Day promotes to all the coffee drinkers around the world! As more and more people sip their cups and slurp their ventis, more and more people are actually “Coffee Confused” as they are not aware of the ingredients and origins of their coffees. By celebrating International Coffee Day, it would hopefully help in promoting fair trade coffee and the well-being of the farmers behind your favorite beverage.

During the celebration, it is also expected that more and more people are getting exposed to more information and raised awareness regarding the benefits of consuming coffee. One of the reasons to consume coffee is because of its health benefits! Having a moderate coffee intake would promote a lower chance of contracting heart disease, liver, Parkinson’s disease, and depression. Due to the high antioxidants in coffee, risks of cancer and diabetes would also be significantly lower. 

Overcoming slumps and getting us moving is one of the common reasons why coffee has been increasing in popularity. As it would stimulate the nerves and adrenaline, getting up in the morning would be easier with coffee for most people. However, do be careful in consuming your coffees as too much caffeine would backfire and cancel all of these benefits.


What can we do to join in the celebration?

stages of coffee

Image Credit: Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

As the intention of the celebration is to increase awareness, following this vision would be a cool way to join in the fun! There are a ton of websites and classes that dedicate themselves to spreading awareness about the subject of coffee for you to join. Buying fair trade coffees is also a great way to promote the awareness and well-being of the farmers! Fair trade coffees are coffees that have been certified to a certain standard where it would contribute to sustainable development. How? As it offers better trading conditions for coffee bean farmers. These coffees would also support producers in using sustainable environmental farming practices and prohibiting child and forced labor. Do you know what you can also do? Supporting businesses by buying a cup of coffee! Purchasing a cup of coffee, especially from smaller businesses, cafes, or restaurants, will always bring a smile to everyone’s faces! Even you since most of the shops would offer discounts and special deals :D.

Here are the things that we can do to celebrate and embody the spirit of International Coffee Day! Don’t forget to download the HalalTrip Mobile App to find all the mosques and halal restaurants nearby and have a better travel experience as a Muslim.

A young and inspired boy who is on his way to becoming a man, Jodi enjoys studying and writing under the moonlight and prefers a calm ambiance. He pours his love into travelling through HalalTrip.

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