Traveling In The 21st Century: How To Be A Minimalistic Traveler

By Amina Fukeerbucus | 13, Aug, 2018
Traveling In The 21st Century: How To Be A Minimalistic Traveler

Travelling is always an exciting moment! Starting from the reservation until the very moment you get on board, you're all thrilled and happy. However, there's one particular task in the preparation of your holidays that might put you a little bit off ; the packing.

With all the exciting things you have planned, you might want to put every single thing you possess in your wardrobe inside that suitcase. But since we're in the 21st century, we've figured out a solution that might suit you and your luggage. Let's see how you can become a minimalistic traveler and make the most of your trips!

Let's go!

Don't over-plan

It all starts with ideas brewing inside your mind and basically you wanting to have everything ready for the big day! (Not your wedding). Sure we like to have everything sorted out and be prepared in case of mishaps, but over-planning will simply stress you and if ever you happen to miss one step, you'll freak out. Just keep your planning simple and adapt to any change that comes your way.

Separate your needs from your wants

Through years, we've been taught to always be prepared to confront any kind of situation. And this applies to the way we pack our luggage while going on a trip. To ensure that you're packing the right way, make a list and see what are the things you really need to take with you and leave the rest at home.

Choose the right suitcase

It's a small world for a big suitcase. Size matters! No really! The bigger the suitcase or backpack, the more you're likely to fill it with things that you might not be using during your trip. In order to avoid this problem, choose your suitcase wisely and go on an adventure.

Tip: pick a medium traveler's backpack to have a clutter-free traveling.

Travel light

Tired of packing dozens of T-shirts that you're not going to use? Free up your space and suitcase from unnecessary stuff. Traveling as a minimalist is all about giving up on things you won't be needing during your trip. That includes the afore-mentioned dozen of t-shirts, a lot of shoes and accessories. Keep your luggage light only with the basics. A few comfy clothes and the bare minimum in terms of accessories and toiletries will suffice.

Pack according to your stay

In order to have a minimalist suitcase, you should prepare your luggage depending on your stay. If your trip doesn't last more than 2 weeks, don't pack more than needed. If you have more luggage than needed, not only will you be having a hectic time in preparing everything, but you also won't have enough space to stack up some goodies or souvenirs you'll buy while on your trip.

Google is your friend

We're living in a digital era where everything is one click away. Make Google your best friend while traveling. Maps, reviews, bookings and even brochures are available without you having to sweat about it. Keep your traveler's bag and hands-free from holding huge maps and compass while trying to figure out which way you need to go. You could also use some digital buddies to help you while you're exploring the city. Download a few apps that will assist you during your trip.

Google Assistant please!

Adopt the One-Credit card policy

Travelling certainly entails a lot of expenses such as meals at restaurants, trying out new cafés or visiting museums. So, if you don't want to end up confused about which card is which, adopt the one-credit card policy where you can do all the payments at the go. It'll help you to stay calm and do your payments without having to dig inside your wallet at the pursuit of the lost credit card.

Traveling as a minimalist will definitely help you in staying focused and enjoying your trip as best as you can without having to worry about extremely big packing or sleepless nights about figuring how much it'll cost you to get those huge suitcases out of the airport and into the cab. Keep your traveling simple and make memories.

Bon Voyage ;)

A little writer trying to make her way through this world. Writing is more than a passion. It's a way to connect people and to discover the world in a different way.

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