The Etiquettes of Eating - Did You Know?

By Halal Trip | 23, Jun, 2017
The Etiquettes of Eating - Did You Know?
As with all other aspects of a Muslim’s life, the way we must eat is also carefully laid out in the words of Allah and the practices of Prophet Muhammed (sal). According to Qur’an and Hadeeth, here are the etiquettes of eating.

Getting Ready for a Meal

Person Washing hands

1) Wash your hands before sitting down for a meal.
2) Sit up straight, do not lean back or eat while lying down, as this is said to be a show of arrogance. The messenger of Allah is narrated to have said: “I do not eat whilst I am reclining.” – [Sahih-al-Bukhari]
3) Sitting on the ground with your knees bent or legs folded is a Sunnah. This is an act of humbleness. Although it is not obligatory, this is the way that Prophet Muhammed (sal) ate his meals, and we must make sure to follow his examples whenever possible.


Make Sure the Food is Halal

Halal in Arabic

1) The food that you are about to eat must be prepared, and obtained using Halal methods (i.e. Halal butchers, not bought using stolen money, etc.)
“…and eat of the lawful and good (things) that Allah has given you, and be careful of (your duty to) Allah, in whom you believe.” – [Qur’an 5:88]
2) If you are eating at home, or at the house of a trusted Muslim family member or friend, this should not be an issue. But if you are eating outside or at a new place, always confirm that the food is Halal. If you are traveling and unsure of where to find Halal food, download the HalalTrip app for more information.

Etiquettes to Follow While Eating

Man using tasbih

1) Say ‘Bismillah’, and start your meal by uttering the name of Allah. If you forget to do so at the beginning, say it whenever you do remember.
Umar ibn Abi Salamah narrates that the Prophet (sal) said, “Mention Allah's Name (say Bismilla)h, eat with your right hand, and eat from what is directly in front of you.” - [Sahih-al-Bukhari and Sahih-al-Muslim]
2) Eating with your right hand is compulsory, as it is Shaytan that is said to eat with his left. But if you have an illness that prevents you from eating with your right hand, there is no issue in eating with your left.
Ibn ‘Umar (rali) narrated that the Prophet (sal)) said: “No one among you should eat with his left hand, or drink with it, for the Shaytaan eats with his left hand and drinks with it.” - [Sahih-al-Muslim]
3) Eat from the portion closest to you. The Sunnahs of the prophet state that he ordered those around him to always eat from what is directly in front of them, and not to reach for what’s directly in front of someone else, or from the middle of the platter.
Ibn ‘Abbaas narrated that the Prophet (sal) said: “The blessing descends in the middle of the food, so eat from the edges and do not eat from the middle.” – [Al-Tirmidhi and Ibn Maajah]


Once You Are Done Eating

caligraphy in arabic

1) Make sure you have finished everything on the plate; wasting of food is a sin. Lick your fingers one by one, just as the messenger of Allah did and taught his companions to do. One must also wash his hands thoroughly with water, although soap or similar items are voluntary. It is also good practice to gargle your mouth with water to make sure that there is nothing left.
Ka'ab Bin Malik (Radi Allahu anhu) recounts that Rasoolullah (sal) would eat with three fingers and before wiping would lick them with the tongue. – [Sahih-al-Bukhari and Sahih-al-Muslim]
2) Say ‘Alhamdulillah’, and praise Allah, thanking him for keeping you nourished and giving you food to eat.
Prophet (sal) used to recite this Dua after every meal, “Al-hamdu Lillaahi hamdan katheeran tayyiban mubarakan fihi ghayra makhfiyyin wa laa muwadda’in wa laa mustaghnan ‘anhu rabbana.
Praise be to Allaah, much good and blessed praise. O our Lord, You are not in need of anyone, and we cannot do without Your favour nor dispense with it.” - [Sahih-al-Buhari]
3) Thank and make Dua for whoever made the meal for you, so that Allah may bless them as they have provided you with this food.
Al-Migdad ibn Al-Aswad conveyed that the Prophet (sal) used to say, ‘May Allah feed those who have fed us, and provide drinks to those who provided us with it.” – [Sahih-al-Bukhari]

General Etiquettes of Eating

Mosque with a sunset view

1) Be polite and courteous of your eating companions. Do not take something for yourself alone, always share with everyone else and make sure everyone else is happy and satisfied as well.
2) Do not eat excessively, until you feel like you cannot move. Only take as much as you can eat, and eat only as much as you need.
3) If a piece of food accidentally falls on the floor, you must pick it up and dust the dirt off before eating it. If the food is left as it is, Shaytan is then said to consume it. This is of course to be done only wherever appropriate, i.e. at home.
Anas ibn Maalik narrated that when the Messenger of Allaah (sal) would tell his companions: “If any one of you drops a piece of food, let him remove any dirt from it and eat it, and not leave it for the Shaytaan.” And he also commanded them to clean the plate, and said, “For you do not know where in your food the blessing is.” – [Sahih-al-Muslim]
4) Don’t be in a hurry to eat your food. Eat slowly, making sure to chew thoroughly. And allow your food to cool down before eating, but do not blow on your food. The Prophet (sal) has said: "Cool your meal because there is no blessing in hot food. – [Rawahul-Hakim and Abu Dawood]
5) Do not criticize the food. If you do not like it, quietly leave it off the plate.
6) Do not eat off of pure gold or silver crockery.

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    Thank you Alif-yar for your suggestion.

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    Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa narrates that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, was eating together with his six companions when a villager came and finished the meal in two bites. This food would have been enough for all of you. For complete blogs click on link.